Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
If you haven’t purchased your tickets for a performance of Beauty and the Beast, please don’t wait any longer. Seating is limited, and our Thursday matinee is already sold out! Students, faculty, staff, and alumni are working hard to make this a memorable production that you won’t want to miss. Click here for more information about show times and ticket prices. If you are planning to attend the Alumni Night reception before the March 11 performance, please use this contact form to let me know.
Sara Klaassen
Alumni Relations Coordinator
Use this contact form to send your nomination for Alumnus of the Year by March 3.
Upcoming Evidence Performances
February 26, 10:15 a.m. at Faith Bible Church in Kansas City, MO
Upcoming Basketball Games
March 1-4, ACCA National Tournament (Men) at Joplin, MO
Upcoming Calvary Events
February 2-28 Alumni Phone-a-thon
February 25 Guest Piano Recital by Scott Carrell
March 2-5, 10-12 Beauty and the Beast March 11 is Alumni Night!
March 9-11 College Days