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Nikaó Leadership Institute Set to Launch

Nikaó Leadership Institute Set to Launch

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

In just a few weeks the Nikaó Leadership Institute will begin its first year of training men and women to be quality leaders.  Calvary is introducing this new initiative as part of our mission to prepare students to live and serve in the church and the world according to a biblical worldview.  Each year a limited number of incoming freshmen will have the opportunity to enter the Institute.  In addition to their regular college classes, NLI students will participate in a yearly Leadership Summit and weekly breakout sessions.  They will also be required to serve in leadership positions both on and off campus to earn Nikaó points.  As they serve, a mentor will seek to provide guidance and accountability.  Besides the valuable leadership development, students who successfully complete the NLI requirements each semester will earn a tuition scholarship.  Click here to learn more about the Nikaó Leadership Institute.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

New students arrive                August 24

Classes start                            August 28


Pray for Calvary Students and Watch God Work

Pray for Calvary Students and Watch God Work

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Every summer I ask you to pray for students, and this year is no different.  First of all, please ask God to send us new students who desire to glorify Him, and ask Him to clear their paths of any obstacles that stand in the way.  Secondly, pray that all of our returning students would be able to do just that – return.  Ask God to provide for them financially and protect them from harm.  Finally, pray that He will be preparing all of the students for what He wants to accomplish in and through them in the upcoming school year.

Students, faculty, and staff ate lunch in the Student Life Center during the “CU in the Fall” event held in April.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Someone Else Paid For Your Freedom

Someone Else Paid For Your Freedom

You Can Help Support Education for Veterans, Soldiers, and Their Families

Calvary University (CU) administrators decided to offer the lowest tuition rate to a special group of people – active military personnel, veterans, and their immediate families (spouse & children). You can give generously to help CU sustain this program, but you may ask, ”What’s the impact?” During the 2016-2017 school year, 24 students were in this category and Calvary expects this number to grow with this new initiative. Join us and show your patriotism and your faith through a donation to Calvary University.  We need your support to sustain this special offering.

Anything But Free

A direct correlation exists between the soldier’s service and a society’s freedom; however, ironically, the soldier’s life is anything but free. When my lifelong friend and I graduated from high school, he chose to serve in the United States Navy to mitigate the expense of college. The slogan “See the World” misled many a recruit in those days who, later, would have been all over the world and seen only a few port cities.  “It’s not just a job. It’s an adventure.” This slogan left many a recruit wondering about the definition of “adventure.” For the most part, the inside of a ship or military base was what many soldiers experienced. I often hear a veteran’s tale about his or her unique service experience that sounds like anything but “freedom” to this civilian.

I remain grateful for the military service of my family and friends, and I hold special appreciation for the effort of every soldier. I learned respect for the women and men in uniform because they served for me by proxy. I believe this occupation deserves my admiration because I enjoy the freedom that was paid at a dear price (and not by me).

A Big Sacrifice

One who believes and follows Jesus Christ must recognize that freedom comes at the price of another. Jesus quoted Isaiah but fulfilled Scripture when He said, “He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives … to set at liberty those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18). God’s Son did not provide liberty to the captives and to the oppressed by doing whatever He wanted. In fact, Jesus was limited to the narrow parameters of His Father’s plan for the redemption of sinful man (Matthew 7:21; 26:42; John 14:20). Believers know Jesus sacrificed His life’s blood for the atonement of sin. Many call this the “ultimate sacrifice”.

Soldiers face sacrifice at many levels including the possible “ultimate” one of life. Indeed, many men and women continually give as they work to resolve past experiences that present challenges in life moving forward. Without personal experience, I can only relate a few minor instances largely insignificant compared to a past warrior’s life.  According to the Defense Manpower Reporting Center more than 7% of all Americans have served in the military at some point in their life ( This fact leaves little doubt that most readers understand how soldiers give something of themselves during their military career. Like many of you, I empathetically understand what they give.

One might expect the price of freedom would prompt enough fortitude for citizens to appreciate what was accomplished through someone else. Paul argued, “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1). So it seems, the one “set free” must remain steadfast against the temptation to return to the former slavery.  Unfortunately, believers find themselves enslaved to sin. Soldiers often find their sacrifice means little to a free society.

The benefits afforded to soldiers through legal mandate seem like a small reward. My aforementioned friend found, after receiving his Good Conduct Medal, that his expert training had little civilian relevance. A college education was desired and needed and earned. Many mistakenly believe soldiers get free education through military benefits. This simply is untrue. Soldiers and veterans look for military friendly schools (like CU) that can make needed training affordable. Men and women of the armed forces deserve help from their brothers and sisters in Christ as we can relate to their gift.

A Call to Action

Please allow me this indulgence: On Independence Day 2017, celebrate by thanking your Savior and by thanking a Soldier. Prayerfully consider giving to CU so we can continue our Military Benefit program. Remember, someone else paid for your freedom. And, “Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God” (1 Peter 2:16).

Calvary University Named #6 Most Affordable Online Theology and Christian Studies Degree Program

Calvary University Named #6 Most Affordable Online Theology and Christian Studies Degree Program

Calvary has an ongoing commitment to excellence and affordability (see Calvary’s 4 Distinctives). After earning a spot on a recent “Most Admirable Institutions” list, Calvary has been ranked as the #6 most affordable online theological degree program in the United States. The ranking was done by, and was revealed in a recent report.

Of Calvary University, the report says, “All bachelor’s degrees at Calvary University comprise two parts: a major in the Bible and theology and a complementary professional major. In practice, this means that you can earn a cheap ministry degree online while also perfectly customizing your education to meet your career goals. And Calvary offers an impressive selection of professional majors, ensuring that nearly every student can find something that appeals. From biblical counseling to education to pastoral ministry, you can ground your theoretical knowledge of the Bible in the concrete skills you’ll need to find a meaningful career after graduation.”

Calvary University is grateful to its many friends and donors whose tremendous generosity helps keep Calvary’s tuition low.

Introducing The Nikaó Leadership Institute

Introducing The Nikaó Leadership Institute

Quality leadership is changing the world!  Leaders armed with the knowledge and information they need to stand in the gap for their teams are highly sought after. Calvary University has held true to its biblical foundation and excellence in education for the past eighty-four years. Calvary is now excited to unveil The Nikaó Leadership Institute. This newly established Leadership Institute will fall perfectly in line with Calvary’s mission in helping prepare students to serve in the church and the world.

The University is in the final stages of accepting fifteen incoming students who will enter the NLI on August 20 and will be catapulted into a year of learning leadership principles and having hands-on practice in leadership opportunities. The semesters will be used to actively develop these students into leaders on campus, in classrooms, community, and eventually throughout the world.

The cost of a college education is growing exponentially. Calvary University has strategically developed The Nikaó Leadership Institute to help fund a college education. Successful acceptance and completion of each semester in The Nikaó Leadership Institute will mean a tuition scholarship for up to twelve semester hours.

In four years, as Nikaó Leadership Institute students graduate from Calvary University, they will have become individuals who are ready to lead through communication, relationships, and in their day to day interactions with people. They will have developed the confidence in their ability to motivate and influence people around them to establish trust and credibility that creates a positive environment. They will stand ready to impact this world with the gospel.

For more information on The Nikaó Leadership Institute please email [email protected].






Calvary University named to list of “Fifty Admirable Educational Institutions, 2017”

Calvary University named to list of “Fifty Admirable Educational Institutions, 2017”

Calvary University was recognized by the Knowledge Review as one of the Fifty Admirable Education Institutions 2017. Calvary University is honored to be named to the list, as Calvary continues to pursue excellence in fulfilling its mission of “preparing Christians to live and serve in the church and in the world according to a Biblical worldview.”

Calvary University is an accredited college, graduate school, and seminary, offering degree programs on campus and online in Bible and theology, ministry studies, biblical counseling, intercultural studies, education, theatre arts, music, business administration, and professional directed studies.

Calvary is located centrally in the Midwest, less than thirty minutes from downtown  Kansas City, Missouri, and we also offer courses online wherever you are located. Our mission is “…to prepare Christians to live and serve in the church and in the world according to a biblical worldview…” The Bible is foundational in every class we offer, and we aren’t simply integrating the Bible into our classes, rather we recognize the Biblical basis for any discipline we teach.