This past weekend Dr. Luther Smith, Associate Professor of Biblical Counseling, and Program Director for the undergraduate Biblical counseling department here at Calvary University had the opportunity to travel and speak for three days at Sherwood Bible Church located in Tulsa Oklahoma. Dr. Smith, on Friday night, spoke about the importance of having a Biblical philosophy. Saturday evening he spoke on how genre impacts how one interprets the Book of Revelation, and Sunday morning Dr. Smith observed the specific details of the Book of Revelation and the strengths and limitations of Bible commentaries concerning the Book of Revelation.
Dr. Smith will also have two upcoming speaking engagements in the next two weeks. Dr. Smith, along with his family, will travel to Kansas City to speak at Beth Haven Fellowship this Sunday to discuss Mysticism and Emotionalism in Conservative Christianity. Then the Sunday after he will be teaching Sunday School and preaching at Pioneer Bible Church in Ponsa City Oklahoma.