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What can you do if you’ve “got questions”?

Do you have questions about God, the Bible or Christianity? Shea Houdmann, as a new graduate of Calvary Seminary in 2001, decided to pose that question to the world. He created and offered to provide answers from the Bible to any and all questions. As it turns out, lots of people “got questions”! Houdmann recruited a team that has now responded to more than 741,000 questions. The site receives millions of visitors every month—either to ask questions or read the answers to the questions others have already asked.

Calvary University’s Shaun LePage invited Houdmann, Founder, President, and CEO of Got Questions Ministries, who is also the keynote speaker for the 2023 CU President’s Dinner on September 28, to discuss not only, but also to help Christians understand the importance of providing biblical answers to the curious.

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