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Inaugural Convocation


Dr. Cone gave his inaugural address.

One week ago, Dr. Christopher Cone was officially inaugurated as the President of Calvary University.  We were honored to have several delegates, special guests and, of course, the students, faculty, and staff on hand to witness the investiture of our new president.  Dr. James Clark, President Emeritus, gave the charge to Dr. Cone on this grand occasion, and the Board of Trustees along with President Emeritus Dr. Elwood Chipchase prayerfully dedicated the new president to the Lord.  During his time at the podium, Dr. Cone addressed the challenges that Calvary faces in the culture today and gave his plan of action for overcoming those challenges with godly excellence.


The three most recent presidents of Calvary: (l to r) Dr. Clark, Dr. Cone, and Dr. Chipchase


Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

September 10     Faculty Recital

September 29     President’s Dinner

Upcoming Soccer Games

September 3, 2:00 p.m. vs. Barclay at Haviland, KS

September 10, 2:00 p.m. vs. CCCB at Moberly, MO

September 13, 4:00 p.m. vs. Baptist Bible at Home

Upcoming Volleyball Games

September 13, 6:00 p.m. vs. Baptist Bible at Springfield, MO