Dear Calvary Family,
As we move toward year’s end, there is much for which Calvary is thankful. God has again provided magnificently for His work at Calvary University:
- God has provided financially, as Calvary was able to lower tuition across the board, finish in the black for this past year, and continue to be debt-free.
- God has provided a growing number of students. Calvary’s enrollment has increased by about 27% in the past year, and Calvary is serving more students now than at any point since 1999.
- The renovation of the old Seminary Building is now complete.
- The new Dining Hall and Events Center renovation is underway.
- The Nikao Leadership Institute launched successfully, providing leadership training and scholarships to a solid group of incoming students.
- The Burnham Center for Global Engagement launched, expanding our missions/intercultural studies offerings and opportunities for students.
- The Study and Work Program continues to grow.
- Calvary announced plans to launch the Interdisciplinary Center for Creation Research in January, to be led by Stephen Boyd.
- Calvary announced the hiring of Tommy Ice, who will officially join the faculty in Kansas City in January.
- Calvary hired Gary Gromacki, who is leading the development of our Ph.D in Bible and Theology program.
This has been an incredible year of exciting growth through God’s provision, and we are deeply grateful for your prayerful support. We simply can’t fulfill our mission without you. As we conclude this year, would you prayerfully consider supporting Calvary in a specific way? Perhaps supporting one of the initiatives mentioned above – the building program, or one of the academic and ministry centers?
Of course, one of our highest priorities is to continue to reduce the overall cost of education to our students, so that they can serve effectively without the burden of student debt. Will you give a financial gift to Calvary to help us reduce our students’ costs? Calvary is committed to making high-quality Biblical education accessible to any believer willing to work hard to prepare for and engage in ministry. Your one-time gift, monthly support, or even adding Calvary University to your estate planning will help us fulfill our mission to “prepare Christians to live and serve in the church and in the world according to the Biblical worldview.” Thank you so much for your gift, and for joining Calvary in this important work. May God bless you as, together, we seek to honor Him.
Serving Him With You,
Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D
President, Calvary University