by Sara Klaassen | Feb 16, 2018
Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
As of this writing, we are two weeks into the 2018 Alumni Phone-a-thon. Current students have been calling alumni to share a Calvary update, get prayer requests, and give them an opportunity to support this year’s project. So far we have raised nearly $11,000 toward the sound system, multimedia screen, and projector for the new dining hall. However, our goal is $20,000, and February is more than halfway over! Would you consider helping us reach our goal? Click here to get more information and make a donation. Thank you to those who have already contributed!
Jax Bell made calls for Phone-a-thon.
Sara Klaassen
Alumni Relations Coordinator
Upcoming Basketball Games
February 15-17, MCCC Tournament at Manhattan, KS
February 22-24, NCCAA Regional Tournament at Ankeny, IA
Upcoming Calvary Events
Alumni Phone-a-thon February 1-28
Feast & Fund Auction March 2
College Days March 8-10
A Midsummer Night’s Dream March 8-11
by Sara Klaassen | Jan 12, 2018
Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
Calvary has dreamed of a new dining hall for years now. On Monday, January 8, 2018, those dreams came to fruition!
Building Acquired
On September 8, 2016, Calvary acquired the building which was formerly Turner’s German-American Hall. It is located just south of Calvary’s softball field near Eagle’s Landing Golf Course. The main goal was to remodel the space and move the dining hall to this new location.
The Student Life Center (new dining hall)
Joe’s Kitchen Opens for Business
While there are still a few tasks to accomplish before the remodeling project can be called “complete,” we were able to pass inspections and receive permission to begin serving meals when the students returned to campus for the new semester. On Wednesday, we had Chapel in the new dining hall and took time to praise and thank God for this building. Randy Grimm announced that the kitchen will be named “Joe’s Kitchen” in honor of Joe Dapra, who is faithfully serving as Director of Food Services for the twentieth school year. We look forward to many more chocolate chip cookies, eggs made to order, and Taco Tuesdays in this new facility!
We took time to praise and thank God for this building during Chapel on Wednesday.
Randy Grimm presented Joe Dapra, our Director of Food Services, with a mock-up of the sign that will designate “Joe’s Kitchen.”
Serving area
Since the equipment for the serving line has not arrived yet, students served themselves on Wednesday.
You Can Help
Besides the modern kitchen and spacious eating area, we are also excited about the potential for hosting special events in this building. This year’s Alumni Phone-a-thon will fund the purchase of a sound system, multimedia screen, and projector to be used at these events. If you are interested in contributing to this project, click here.
Sara Klaassen
Alumni Relations Coordinator
Upcoming Basketball Games
January 12, 5:30 (Women) & 7:30 p.m. (Men) vs. Faith Baptist Bible at Ankeny, IA
January 13, 2:00 (Women) & 4:00 p.m. (Men) vs. Emmaus Bible at Dubuque, IA
January 16, 5:30 (Women) & 7:30 p.m. (Men) vs. Manhattan Christian at Manhattan, KS
Upcoming Calvary Events
Conference on Global Engagement January 22-25
Engaging Grace Conference January 31
Alumni Phone-a-thon February 1-28
by Sara Klaassen | Feb 17, 2017
Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
Joe Calvary student goes to his mailbox one day and finds a letter saying that his account balance has been paid by an anonymous donor at a time when Joe had no idea how he was going to pay his bill. Do you remember anything like this happening when you were a student? I do! Upon hearing testimony of such an occurrence, I often think about how wonderful it must be to have the financial ability to bless someone in that way. I’m sure many alumni would say that they do not have the means to provide such a blessing; however, that is the beauty of the 2017 Alumni Phone-a-thon. When we combine all of our gifts, whether we’re able to give $5, $25, $100, or $1000, we will be able to bless current and future Calvary students with scholarships.
Our goal is $21,000 ($20,000 for scholarships and $1,000 for the Alumni Induction Luncheon), and as of this writing we are at 62%. Will you help us reach the goal? Click here to donate online today.
Sydney Lindsey and Kristin McGuire made Phone-a-thon calls on Monday evening.
Sara Klaassen
Alumni Relations Coordinator
Use this contact form to send your nomination for Alumnus of the Year by March 3.
Upcoming Basketball Games
February 16-18, MCCC Tournament at Ankeny, IA
February 21, 5:00 (Women) & 7:00 p.m. (Men) vs. Baptist Bible at Springfield, MO
Upcoming Evidence Performances
February 19, 10:30 a.m. at Raintree Community Church in Lee’s Summit, MO
February 26, 10:15 a.m. at Faith Bible Church in Kansas City, MO
Upcoming Calvary Events
February 2-28 Alumni Phone-a-thon
February 25 Guest Piano Recital by Scott Carrell
March 2-5, 10-12 Beauty and the Beast March 11 is Alumni Night!
March 9-11 College Days
March 15-25 Chorale Tour
by Sara Klaassen | Nov 25, 2016
Your Phone-a-thon Donations at Work
Back in July, I shared about three of the projects that were funded by the 2016 Alumni Phone-a-thon – tablets for the Admissions Department, the Alumni Induction Luncheon, and the gym floor. At this Thanksgiving time of year, I wanted to be sure to thank you for your generous donations that enabled us to purchase two other important items as well. The new-to-us vehicle pictured below is a blessing to our Security team. They actually get to drive it around, unlike their old vehicle which was always in the shop! We are also thankful for the automated external defibrillator which has been installed in the dorm. A converse sentiment exists for the AED as opposed to the vehicle, though; we hope we never need to use the AED! Thank you once again to each alumnus who gave toward these much-needed projects.
Sara Klaassen
Alumni Relations Coordinator
Upcoming Basketball Games
November 29, 5:00 (Women) & 7:00 p.m. (Men) vs. Ozark Christian at Joplin, MO
December 3, 6:00 p.m. Men vs. Union at Lincoln, NE
Upcoming Calvary Events
December 2 How Great Our Joy (Christmas concert)
December 3 Winter Shorts (acting recital)
December 9-11 Madrigal Dinners
December 14 Last Day of Semester
Upcoming Evidence Performances
January 22, 10:45 a.m. at Abiding Faith Baptist Church and Mission in Kansas City, MO