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New Weekly Email Coming to Your Inbox

New Weekly Email Coming to Your Inbox

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Let me start by saying, “Thank you!”  Thank you to all of the alumni and friends of Calvary who have opened, read, and sometimes responded to my Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life email each Friday.  Connecting with you on a regular basis is one of the best parts of my job!

If you have been receiving my Weekly Portraits, you should receive a new Calvary University Weekly email in your inbox on Monday, August 21.  You should have received the email the past two Thursday evenings.  This email will contain links to several articles posted on our website.  Dr. Cone has decided that this will be a good way to consolidate Calvary emails, so you will not be receiving a separate Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life email on Fridays anymore.  There should be a link in the new Monday emails that will take you to the Weekly Portrait that I have posted on the website.

Since I won’t be able to greet you in your inbox each Friday as I have done for the last nine years, please consider the new Monday email to be your map for finding my new location.  If you are reading this, I hope it means that you will continue to take that extra step of clicking the link in order to read my updates.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

New students arrive         August 24

Classes start                     August 28