by Sara Klaassen | Feb 15, 2019
Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
On February 8, Christian leaders and Calvary students gathered for a one-day conference focused on creation. Dr. Baurain taught the first session, and Dr. Cone spoke on how to use the truth about creation in evangelism and discipleship. Dr. Gromacki’s lesson on why believing in a literal Adam matters doubled as Chapel for the students. After lunch, Dr. Dodds addressed the theological significance of creation. Dr. Boyd taught the final session of the day. It is our prayer that all of the attendees came away with an understanding of the importance of the literal, six-day creation.
by Sara Klaassen | Jul 13, 2018
Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
Do It Heartily
Karen Hange painted railings near the Conference Center.
Each Tuesday during the summer, several Calvary staff members step away from their desks and pitch in to help with various maintenance projects around the campus. They clean in the dorm for the first few Tuesdays. Most weeks some people spend time mowing, weed-eating, and pulling weeds. This summer staff members have painted numerous spots and stained a gazebo as well.
Ashley Spicer, Rachel Hontz, Tasha Krahn, and Tressa Shoemaker stained the gazebo.
Because of the library move this spring, one of the Tuesday Work Day projects was putting together some additional shelves. Other staff members worked heartily at moving furniture to the CABRE.
Last summer I told you that the building formerly known as the Seminary was being remodeled. At that time, we were planning to move the library and academic center to that space. God had other plans! Now the old seminary building has a new name to go with a new purpose. The CABRE (pronounced SAY-bur) is the Center for Advanced Biblical Research and Engagement. It houses the Pre-Trib Research Center, Center for Interdisciplinary Creation Studies, and the Burnham Center for Global Engagement.
Sara Klaassen
Alumni Relations Coordinator