by Sara Klaassen | Feb 15, 2019
Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
On February 8, Christian leaders and Calvary students gathered for a one-day conference focused on creation. Dr. Baurain taught the first session, and Dr. Cone spoke on how to use the truth about creation in evangelism and discipleship. Dr. Gromacki’s lesson on why believing in a literal Adam matters doubled as Chapel for the students. After lunch, Dr. Dodds addressed the theological significance of creation. Dr. Boyd taught the final session of the day. It is our prayer that all of the attendees came away with an understanding of the importance of the literal, six-day creation.
by Sara Klaassen | Jul 27, 2018
Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
Summer Learning
Did you know that students can take Calvary classes year-round? Because our academic year is structured into eight-week cycles, learning never has to stop – even in summer! The fall semester technically starts in July and concludes when Cycle 3 finishes in December. The spring semester starts with a one-week J-Term and includes Cycles 4-6. We are currently in Cycle 1, and there are several classes meeting during the day and evening hours.
Dr. Dodds is teaching Evangelism/Spiritual Life.
Mr. Williamson is teaching Introduction to Philosophy.
Summer Living
This summer is the first time that Calvary has kept the dorms open in June and July. While the number of students living there is much smaller than during Cycles 2-5, we do have students taking advantage of that opportunity. Of course, many choose to go home for a few months, but they are still able to take summer classes using our blended online model.
Sara Klaassen
Alumni Relations Coordinator
Upcoming Calvary Events
Registration Day August 23