Calvary Represented at IFCA International Convention
Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
During the last week of June, several Calvary staff and faculty traveled to the IFCA International Convention in Kalamazoo, Michigan. It was a good time of fellowship, encouragement, and messages on the topic of “Always Reforming.” Dr. Bitner gave a seminar on church security issues, and he, Dr. Hessel, Ginger Hessel, Randy Grimm, and Ruth Grimm represented Calvary throughout the week at our display table. On Wednesday evening there was a gathering for Calvary alumni and friends with more than 35 in attendance. Dr. Cone spoke at the first General Session and then spent the rest of the week as the main speaker for the IFCA Youth Convention in Upland, Indiana.

Dr. Bitner (center) shared with Calvary alumni and friends during a gathering at the IFCA International Convention.
Sara Klaassen
Alumni Relations Coordinator