2017 Calvary Ladies Conference
Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
This past Saturday our Student Services department hosted a one-day Ladies Conference for Calvary students, faculty, and staff. Julie Ganschow, director of Reigning Grace Counseling Center, was the speaker for the day. She taught about having a confident heart in a wavering culture with a focus on a woman’s biblical role. The ladies in attendance also enjoyed food, games, music, and craft demonstrations. Overall, it was a terrific day of edification and fellowship.
Sara Klaassen
Alumni Relations Coordinator
Upcoming Calvary Events
April 20-21 Pastor’s Conference
April 21 Spring Concert
Apr. 28 Laura VanderWoude’s Senior Recital
April 29 Spring Shorts (Acting Recital)
May 5 Baccalaureate
May 6 Commencement
Upcoming Evidence Performances
April 23, 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. at Fellowship Greenwood in Greenwood, MO
April 23, 6:00 p.m. at Grace Bible Church in Bucyrus, KS