Missions Emphasis Week – January 24-27
In just a few short weeks Calvary University will welcome 30 Missions Mobilizers from 15 different agencies for our annual Missions Emphasis Week. Missions Emphasis Week is a long standing tradition at Calvary. Our students have the opportunity to hear from special speakers in Chapel, seminars, class sessions and informally throughout the week. Our keynote speaker for 2017 is Dale Losch, President of Crossworld. He will be sharing with our students four words that can change the world. Also joining us will be representatives from Avant, TEAM, BMW, Pioneers, New Tribes Mission and many more. Students will have opportunities throughout the week not only to hear about missions work around the world but to get involved themselves through prayer and special outreach projects.
Around the world 2.5 Billion people are still without access to the gospel. Calvary seeks to have a role in changing that number through training our students in cross-cultural ministry and providing opportunities for them to get involved both here at home and through partnerships with many missions agencies that allow students to experience cross-cultural ministry first hand. Missions is a key component in Calvary’s mission to prepare our students to serve in the Church and the World according to a Biblical Worldview.
Please feel free to join us during Chapel, Tuesday – Friday at 11:00. If you are available, missions representatives will be giving special seminars on Tuesday the 24th throughout the day, a schedule will be available at the reception desk.
For more information contact Joshua Paxton at [email protected]