Prayer Partners Update, February 2017
Dear Calvary Family,
Wow. It is February already. Time moves quickly, and that reminds us of our great sense of urgency. We have a fantastic window of opportunity opened to us, and we desire to make the very most of that. As we begin each day at Calvary with prayer, we ask the Lord that He will make us faithful stewards of every resource He provides.
God has indeed provided richly for Calvary. We are seeing growth in every area. Enrollment is up from this time last year, and that is a very encouraging sign. Our staff and faculty are laboring diligently to provide the highest quality Biblical and vocational education, and it is a great joy to have many excellent students in whom we can invest.
We are making slow but steady progress on the new Student Life Center. There is a possibility we may be able to acquire some adjacent property to the SLC, and we are working with the City of Belton on that. This move would help us significantly in our short term add-on to the current building and in our long term facilities and campus planning. Our funding is in place, we are now simply waiting on the bureaucratic process of working with the city – great folks, but long processes.
We are rapidly (and cautiously) growing our intercultural studies programs to add majors, minors, and to involve missions groups even more. Stay tuned on that! We had a fantastic Missions Emphasis Week recently, with Crossworld’s President, Dale Losch leading us thinking through God’s designs for global outreach. You will be able to watch his messages on calvary.edu soon. Speaking of that – you can check out Calvary U’s chapel and chapels on the bottom of our website. We update them fairly regularly, and you can keep up to speed on some of the fantastic things that are happening at Calvary.
There is one need I will bring to your attention so that you can be praying about it. Our air condition system for Madison Hall was struck by lightning at the end of last Summer. We have been working to resolve the issue, and while insurance is covering a significant amount of money, we are still going to have to pay around $80,000 beyond what our insurance covers to have it replaced. That wasn’t budgeted for this year, so we would very much appreciate your prayerful consideration.
Lots of exciting announcements coming in the very near future, including slightly reduced tuition across the board. Calvary U is committed to ensuring that our students graduate without the burden of student debt. Thank you so much for your prayer and efforts to help make that happen! We certainly can’t do it without you.
We are so thankful for all of you, and are working hard to make the most of your investment in Calvary and our students. May God bless you richly, and we pray you have a great month walking with Him!
Your servant in Him,
Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D
President, Calvary University