16th Annual Golf Tournament Held at Eagles’ Landing
Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life
God graciously kept the rain away from our 16th Annual Golf Tournament last Friday! 110 golfers played in the tournament, and several went home with prizes. Calvary is grateful to all of the businesses and individuals who donated more than 50 prizes for us to give out to hole contest winners, winning teams, the winner of the putting contest, and those who claimed door prizes. We are especially thankful for our major tournament sponsors: MidAmericare & Patmos Healthcare, Heritage Benefits, Northland Sonic Drive-ins, and Prosperity Advisory Group. Calvary could not have a successful fundraiser like this without the support of these businesses and others who sponsor holes and carts. We definitely want to express our gratitude to each one who had a part in this tournament.
Sara Klaassen
Alumni Relations Coordinator