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Senior Class Gift Funds Newly-planted Trees

Senior Class Gift Funds Newly-planted Trees

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

Back in May, the 2018 Senior Class announced their intention to buy trees for Calvary’s Kansas City campus.  This week the evergreen trees, known as Green Giants, were planted along Kensington Avenue and near the Conference Center.

New evergreen trees along Kensington Avenue

So far thirteen trees have been planted, but we will be getting at least two more.

Staff from Rosehill Gardens planted the trees.

Earlier this summer, several old trees were torn out to make way for these new trees.  When the project is completed, there will be a monument stone at the beginning of the line of trees with an inscription honoring Dr. Keith and Pat Miller for their years of service to Calvary.  This special touch was revealed to the Millers at their retirement party.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Cycle 2 begins                         August 27

Connect Fest                           August 31

Christian Ministry Fair              September 6