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Convocation Chapel Held to Welcome New Students

Convocation Chapel Held to Welcome New Students

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

As faculty lined the aisle, new students made their way to the front of Liberty Chapel for our annual Convocation on Wednesday.  Dr. Bitner welcomed them and explained the history and purpose of a Convocation.

Dr. Bitner explained the purpose of a Convocation.

Arianna Erixson, Student Senate President, gave a charge to the entire student body in regard to being a family and supporting each other.  Dr. An provided special music, and the new students were introduced to the school song for the first time.  Dr. Cone shared a message and gave some humorous answers to frequently asked questions.

Dr. Cone shared a message.

We are excited to welcome both new and returning students for another year of training and service.

Welcome to Calvary, new students!

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Calvary Events

Christian Ministry Fair                        September 6

Piano Dedication Concert                  September 14

President’s Dinner                             September 27

Upcoming Volleyball Games

September 7-8 at Minneapolis, MN for NCU Tournament

Upcoming Soccer Games

September 7, 4:30 p.m. at St. Louis, MO vs. Concordia Seminary


Calvary Welcomes Students for New School Year

Calvary Welcomes Students for New School Year

Weekly Portraits of Calvary Life

A large portion of this year’s Registration Day was rainy and dreary here in Kansas City.  However, we did not let that dampen our excitement over welcoming new students to Calvary!

New students checking in with Student Services

A sizable group of men and women went through the check-in process on Thursday, and some of them also moved into the dorm.  Thankfully the afternoon brought clearer skies for transporting student belongings.

Arvest Bank representatives greeted new students.

We are anticipating a terrific school year, and we are certainly thankful for each student whom the Lord has brought to Calvary.

New students learned about their Christian Ministry responsibilities.

Please join us in praying especially for these new students and their families as they adjust to a new normal.

Sara Klaassen

Alumni Relations Coordinator


Upcoming Soccer Games

August 24, 3:30 p.m. at Lincoln, NE vs. Union

August 27, 4:00 p.m. at Home vs. Nebraska Christian

Upcoming Calvary Events

Cycle 2 begins                         August 27

Connect Fest                           August 31

Christian Ministry Fair             September 6

Upcoming Volleyball Games

August 28, 6:00 p.m. at Springfield, MO vs. Baptist Bible